
We usually fly from 10:00 in the morning until 18:00 in the evening. Check the summertime and wintertime opening hours to see when our front-office and back-office are opened for business.

It is possible though, especially during the very busy summer months that we continue flight operations for an additional hour after our offices have closed.

This depends on weather conditions, if the airport control tower is manned or not and if there’s people that wish to fly.


Our 2018 summerperiod runs from friday March the 30th till sunday October 28th.


09:30 – 18:00
09:30 – 18:00
09:30 – 18:00
09:30 – 18:00
09:30 – 18:00
08:30 – 18:00
09:30 – 18:00


In 2018 our winterperiod runs from thursday March 29th till monday October 29th.



book a flight Purchase a giftcard

COme visit!

Visitors and spectators are more than welcome to drop by Tessel Air and our sister company Paracentrum Texel that’s located in the same building and that shares our facilities. Even when you don’t plan to fly with us! We’ve set up picknick tables, wooden benches and beachchairs just for spectators.

And when, after observing so much aerial fun and spectacle, you’ve convinced yourself that you do wish to fly: we can usually accommodate you!

Company and address details

company address

Tessel Air BV
Postweg 128
1795 JS De Cocksdorp, Texel
The Netherlands

Tel: +31(0) 222 311464
Fax:+31(0)222 311414 

Company details

Rabobank 3625.04.040
IBAN: NL89RABO 362504040
Swift/Bic: RABO NL 2 U

CoC Alkmaar: 37036523
VAT: NL001135144B01


by car

Take the ferry from Den Helder to the island of Texel. You can take your vehicle on the ferry for a 20 minute trip to the island. Reservations for the ferry are not necessary (or available). 

After disembarking you continue on the main road, headed to the village of Den Burg. At the second roundabout you take the first exit to the village of De Cocksdorp.

From this point onwards the airport is marked by traffic signs. It’s located a few kilometres before you reach De Cocksdorp on your right hand side. Very hard to miss.

Google maps
BY public transport

It’s also possible to leave your car in Den Helder and to make the ferry crossing by foot. On the island you’ll then have to use public transport or taxi’s.

De big ‘Connexxion’ public transport busses (nr’s 28 and 828) will bring you to Den Burg and De Koog. To get to the airport you’ll need to use the smaller ‘Texelhopper’ busses. You’ll find them on the right hand side of the ferry platform.

To make use of these ‘Texelhopper’ busses you’ll need to have a reservation. You can reserve your seat by telephone (+31 (0) 222-784 000) or via On the Texelhopper website you can order your tickets online.

will you join us to 1500 feet ?

+/- 500 meter


send a message

You can send us a message by filling out the contactform.

Please take into consideration that we receive a very large amount of e-mail and it can sometimes take us a while to answer. We strive to answer every email within 3 days.

Hopefully you can find the answer to any question you might have in the frequently asked questions on this website (see the bottom of this page or the Sightseeing flights and the Special sightseeing flights page’s).

    Frequently asked questions

    Many people have quite a few questions regarding the Sightseeing Flights or the Special Sightseeing flights. We’ve taken the most commonly asked questions and -together with their respective answers- placed them right here for you. Hopefully these F.A.Q. items will answer any question you might have!


    We get this question a lot. And we really don't have a very specific answer unfortunately. Predicting the weather is still quite an inexact science, especially as we're located on an island which often makes long term predictions a bit harder even.

    Fortunately a lot of weather conditions are perfectly suitable for flying. Conditions that can prohibit a flight can be: 

    • Very strong winds (7 beaufort en harder)
    • Low level clouds (1000 feet / 300 meters and lower)
    • Strong rains (will flood our grass runway)

    Below we've placed a few links to the website's we use ourselves to check the weather.


    Proper food we don't sell. But we do offer a variety of snacks and canned beverages at our front office and through various vending machines on our grounds.

    If you'd like a proper meal the airport restaurant is just a minute or so away.

    Almost almost all seasons have their individual charm for taking to the skies. Summer's clear blue skies to winter's white blankets, planet earth is always much more beautiful seen from above.

    In the airplane you'll be comfortable regardless of the outside weather. 

    Lot's of people don't know this happy fact but you will not be affected by your fear of heights when you fly in an airplane. 

    Your brain needs a ground reference to 'know' that you've gained altitude for the fear of heights to kick in. This reference is lost within seconds as the airplane climbs.

    If you feel anxious for your flight; please let our friendly staff now. The pilot will take special care of you and will make an extra effort to get you to enjoy your flight as soon as possible.

    Taking part in a sightseeing flight is relatively safe. A trip to the airport with a car is a lot more dangerous. Our airplanes are very strictly maintained and our pilots are without exception professional pilots that hold a Commercial Pilots Licence at the very least and usually even an Airline Traffice Pilot Licence.

    Sure, we love dogs and you can take them with you when you visit Tessel Air. You can't bring them in an airplane though. Sometimes our friendly front office staff can even be persuaded to mind your dog while you fly.

    A few basic groundrules apply:

    • Dogs must always be kept on a leash. No exceptions possible here as there can never be any risk of a dog running on the runway or into an turning propellor.
    • Dogs must always be supervised.
    • You'll have to cleanup any 'accidents' if and when they occur.

    Sightseeing flights

    Summarized we can take a maximum of 5 people simultaneously on the same airplane. The Cessna 206 type carries a total of 6 people. One seat is obviously reserved for the pilot. Tessel Air operates two of these airplanes.

    The slightly smaller Cessna 172 can carry a maximum of 4 people; 3 of which can be passengers. Tessel Air operates 2 of these airplanes.

    If your group is larger than can be accommodated by a single airplane it's often possible two fly in formation with two or more planes. Alternatively passengers can fly in turns.

    Not really. Very young children need to be accompanied by an adult but there a no strict regulations we need to abide to.

    For smaller childrend (or adults) we carry seat risers and cushions so that everyone is able to look out of the windows of the airplane.

    We usually fly between 1000' and 2000' (300 to 600 meters). This is an ideal altitude for getting a wide horizon (so that you can see very far) and still experience the thrill of low level flight (as opposed to flying in a big airliner).

    Nothing special really. Riding in the airplane is quite similar to driving in a car. You can always bring a coat in the airplane and take it off when you realize you don't need it.

    Most small items that people typically carry can be brought on board. Items such as a handbag, phone or small backpack.

    If you're bringing bigger items you can leave those at our front-office of you can store them in a locker.

    Sure! In front of our front office we've actually setup an entire area just for spectators. We've got picknick tables, wooden benches and even beach-chairs and lazy bags. Your friends and family will be right in front of where you enter the airplane and can see you taxi, take-off and touch-down.

    Special Sightseeing Flights

    Tijdens een gewone rondvlucht hoef je zelf niets te doen en voert de piloot alle handelingen uit.

    Bij een rondvlucht speciaal introduceren we je met het nemen van vlieglessen:

    • Eerst theorie les op de grond (groundschool)
    • Daarna de les in praktijk brengen in de lucht (zelf vliegen)

    De piloot zorgt voor het opstijgen en landen en laat je onder zijn begeleiding daarna zelf sturen gedurende de vlucht. Je doet daar dan de eerste vliegoefeningen en kunt dan proeven aan de wondere wereld van de leerling piloot!

    Een maximum leeftijd is er niet. De minimum leeftijd is afhankelijk van de jonge aspirant vlieger; die moet groot genoeg zijn om bij de yoke (stuurwiel) te kunnen.

    Als een kind groot genoeg is om voorin een auto te kunnen en mogen rijden (zonder stoelverhoger) dan is het kind meestal ook net groot genoeg om aan de rondvlucht speciaal deel te nemen.

    Jazeker, er kunnen maximaal twee passagiers meevliegen tegen een sterk gereduceerde prijs. Dit is ter plaatse bij het inchecken bij te boeken.

    Er is geen speciale voorbereiding nodig om deel te nemen met de rondvlucht speciaal

    De meeste spullen zoals een handtas, telefoon of rugzak kun je gewoon met je meenemen tijdens de rondvlucht. Mocht je meer, of grotere spullen bij je hebben dan hebben we kluisjes beschikbaar die je gratis mag gebruiken.

    Jazeker! We hebben voor onze receptie een toeschouwers ruimte met picknick tafels. Daar zit je aan de start en landings -baan en kunnen vrienden en familie je zien instappen, taxïen en natuurlijk zien opstijgen en landen.

    Bookings / Reservations

    You can book your Sightseeing flight or Special Sightseeing flight by telephone (+31 (0)222 311464) or by email ( We'll then want to know the following details:

    • Name
    • Telephonenumber
    • Number of participants
    • Desired date and time
    • Duration of the flight
    • Giftcard details if applicable
    • Voucher details if applicable

    You'll receive a receipt at our front office when you check-in.

    You can change the details of your reservation by telephone or by email. If the scheduled flight is to take place in less than 3 days it's best to reach us by telephone instead of by e-mail.

    If, because of marginal weather conditions, you're not sure if your flight can take place it's best to simply call us for enquiries. 

    If we're certain that there's very little chance you'll be able to fly we'll try to reach you ourselves. But if you'll be travelling a long way you might already have departed home. So when in doubt; give us a call.

    Fortunately we're able to fly on most days. Weather-holds as they're called are quite uncommon for sightseeing flights.


    Giftcards can be purchased online in our giftcardstore. Upon completing the transaction the giftcard will be automatically sent via e-mail.

    You'll receive the giftcard via email. You can then optionally print the giftcard yourself to present to the lucky recipient.

    No, you can't order a physical giftcard online. We used to offer this option but we found that it's not our strong suit logistically and that almost everyone is happy with a digitally sent (via email) giftcard.

    Yes but only if not later than 14 days after purchase.

    You can book a flight using a giftcard in exactly the same way as for a flight without a giftcard: by telephone: (+31(0)222 311 464) of by e-mail: (

    We'll ask you for the following details:

    • Name
    • Telephone number
    • Number of passengers
    • Day and time of flight
    • Flight duration
    • Giftcard number
    • Any other vouchers / discounts

    Yes, that's not a problem at all. When making a booking you can provide us with the flight duration you wish to purchase. If you have a giftcard for a shorter flight we just deduct the value of the giftcard from the total amount due.

    This actually happens quite often as the 45 and 60 minute flights are the most popular choices and a large portion of the giftcards sold are those of the 30 minute variety.

    Giftcards are valid for exactly 36 months after purchase.

    Fortunately this is not very common but it does happen from time to time. There can obviously be circumstances where you don't want to fly anymore or where you might not be allowed to fly anymore.

    If you're still within the legally set 14 day 'cool-down period' you can request a refund. No questions asked.

    If you're outside of this legal period we don't accept refunds. Then it's entirely up to you what you'd like to do with the giftcard. You can sell it to someone else or use it as a regift. Giftcards are not bound to a specific recipient and are fully transferable to someone else.


    If you've purchased your giftcard directly with us, via our webshop or via our front desk: please contact us and we'll see if we can't help you out.

    If you've purchased a voucher or giftcard via another company you'll have to contact the seller directly. We are unable to extend the validity of other companies vouchers / giftcards.


    Tessel Air BV
    Postweg 128
    1795 JS De Cocksdorp, Texel
    The Netherlands

    Tel: +31(0) 222 311464
    Fax:+31(0)222 311414

    By car:

    Take the ferry from Den Helder to the island of Texel. You can take your vehicle on the ferry for a 20 minute trip to the island. Reservations for the ferry are not necessary (or available). 

    After disembarking you continue on the main road, headed to the village of Den Burg. At the second roundabout you take the first exit to the village of De Cocksdorp.

    From this point onwards the airport is marked by traffic signs. It’s located a few kilometres before you reach De Cocksdorp on your right hand side. Very hard to miss.

    By public transport:

    It’s also possible to leave your car in Den Helder and to make the ferry crossing by foot. On the island you’ll then have to use public transport or taxi’s.

    De big ‘Connexxion’ public transport busses (nr’s 28 and 828) will bring you to Den Burg and De Koog. To get to the airport you’ll need to use the smaller ‘Texelhopper’ busses. You’ll find them on the right hand side of the ferry platform.

    To make use of these ‘Texelhopper’ busses you’ll need to have a reservation. You can reserve your seat by telephone (+31 (0) 222-784 000) or via On the Texelhopper website you can order your tickets online.

    The ferry that takes you to our island embarks from the port of Den Helder. The ferry leaves Den Helder on the half-hour (7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30).

    Sometimes, when it's very busy, additional ferries are available on the hour (12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00).

    Please consult the website for details.

    'Texel International Airport' offers a lot to see and do You'll easily spend an entire morning or afternoon with us.

    Paracentrum Texel

    • Tandem skydives
    • Static line parachute courses
    • Freefall parachute courses
    • Our sistercompany with whom we share our building and other facilities


    Luchtvaart & Oorlogsmuseum Texel


    Restaurant De Vlijt

    • Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks
    • Large panoromic terrace (indoors + outdoors)
    • Charging station for electric bikes
    • Large bouncing platform for children


    Hotel De Vlijt Texel


    Zweefvliegclub Texel

    Texel is one of the most popular tourist destinations in The Netherlands. There's an abundance of year round activities for visitors to enjoy.

    Check the local tourist office's website for a comprehensive overview of all activities: Or check out this calendar:

     A few of our personal favourite activities:

    As Texel is so small that you practically always be quite close to the airport it doesn't really matter in what area or village you choose to spend the night.

    The local tourist office does an excellent job of listing all accommodations and their availability (see link below).

    If you'd like to stay as close to the airport as possible we'd recommend our neighbour: Hotel de Vlijt, located right on the runway of the airport (see link below).

    For our (skydive) students we usually recommend Hotel de Kiviet: "Home of Skydivers". (Tourist office)

    The restaurant rents bicycles. Cars aren't available for rental.

    The restaurant on the airport offers charging for electrical bicycles. Not (yet) for electric cars.

    Je kunt bij het restaurant een elektrische fiets opladen. Auto's (nog) niet.