Intro to flight lessons
Have you always dreamt of becoming a pilot? Or would you just like to experience how it feels to operate an airplane in flight? Then you’ve come to the right place at Tessel Air!
With our Special sightseeing flights, also known as Special scenic flights, you get to fly the airplane yourself. Our Cessna airplanes are equipped with dual controls enabling you a safe introduction to flight lessons with an experienced pilot sitting right next to you.
You too can fly an airplane, without any prior training or experience!
your flight
We start off with ‘groundschool’ where your pilot will walk you through the basic principles of flight and how you can ‘steer’ the airplane around the 3 axis (pitch, yaw, roll).
Then you board the airplane, adjust your seat and fasten your safetybelt. Your pilot will start the engine and together you’ll taxi to the runway.
Your pilot will handle the take-off (and landing) of the airplane but once up in the air at a safe altitude you get to control the airplane.
Our experienced pilot will guide you every step of the way, explaining how to manipulate the controls and making sure everything is completely controlled and perfectly safe. All you have to worry about is that you enjoy the experience as thoroughly as possible.
“the sky is the limit!”
When you perform basic flight exercises where you make turns, climb and descend you’ll most likely find that flying really isn’t all that hard. It’s probably a lot easier than you thought it would be.
After 20, 40 or 60 minutes of flight with a Special Sightseeing flight you might very well catch the ‘flight virus’. This could be the start of a whole new hobby or career!