Scenic flights

Seeing Texel from the air and experiencing flight in a small General Aviation aircraft is an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Especially if you’ve never flown (a small airplane) before!

We usually fly at altitudes between 1000′ and 2000′ (300 meters / 600 meters) giving you a perfect view over the entire island while still experiencing the thrill of low level flight.

During the sightseeing flight your pilot will point out what you observe on the ground. The world seen from above takes some getting used to with regards to orientation! Soon you’ll discover trails already travelled and new places you’ll want to visit. You’ll enjoy a vantage point usually only reserved for birds.

Flight duration

If a 15 minute flight sounds a bit too short, you can choose to fly 30, 45 or 60 minutes. 

With the longer flights you’ll be able to fly to North-Holland or to one or more of the other Waddensea islands such as Vlieland, Terschelling or even Ameland.

observe wild seals in their natural habitat

The 45 minute and 60 minute tours can bring you all the way to the sandbanks in the Waddensea between Vlieland and Terschelling where the seals rest and play. These two tours are our most popular choices.

Observing these creatures where they congregate in massive numbers is truly spectacular. The shallow waters around the sandbanks often allow you to see how the seals swim underwater. It’s almost as if you’ve landed in the middle of a wildlife documentary.

book a flight Purchase a giftcard

the very best texel has to offer

Although flying is never cheap we’ve kept our prices as low as possible to enable anyone to taste the wonderful experience of flight. It’s an experience for all ages that will last a lifetime.

Flights and prices

How to book
  • Book your flight either in person at our front desk or by telephone via +31(0) 222 311464.
  • Arrive circa 20 minutes before your planned departure time.
  • Payment can be made at our frontdesk with cash, debitcard, (most) creditcards of with a giftvoucher (sold on this website).
  • Kids discount: the last remaining chair in the airplane may, if used by someone aged 8 or younger, be used at a 50% discount.
  • Make sure to let us know of any discounts you’d like to make use of before your purchase. It’s not possible to settle discounts after purchase.
Terms and conditions
  • Minimum of 2 passengers per flight
  • Maximum weight per passanger: 110 kg.
Flight durationAdultsKidsFlight area*
15 minutes€ 69,50€ 55,60Tour along the northern part of Texel
30 minutes€ 89,50€ 71,60Vlieland ór Den Helder ór a tour around Texel
45 minutes€ 119,50€ 95,60To the seal colonies near Terschelling
60 minutes€ 159,50€ 127,60Ameland ór Alkmaar ór North Friesland

The indicated flight area is an indication of the maximum range. Upon request the pilot is often able to choose another route in consultation with the passengers.

Frequently asked questions

Many of our guests have quite a few questions about our sightseeing flights / scenic flights. Below you’ll find an overview of these most common questions together with the appropriate answer.

Sightseeing flights

Summarized we can take a maximum of 5 people simultaneously on the same airplane. The Cessna 206 type carries a total of 6 people. One seat is obviously reserved for the pilot. Tessel Air operates two of these airplanes.

The slightly smaller Cessna 172 can carry a maximum of 4 people; 3 of which can be passengers. Tessel Air operates 2 of these airplanes.

If your group is larger than can be accommodated by a single airplane it's often possible two fly in formation with two or more planes. Alternatively passengers can fly in turns.

Not really. Very young children need to be accompanied by an adult but there a no strict regulations we need to abide to.

For smaller childrend (or adults) we carry seat risers and cushions so that everyone is able to look out of the windows of the airplane.

We usually fly between 1000' and 2000' (300 to 600 meters). This is an ideal altitude for getting a wide horizon (so that you can see very far) and still experience the thrill of low level flight (as opposed to flying in a big airliner).

Nothing special really. Riding in the airplane is quite similar to driving in a car. You can always bring a coat in the airplane and take it off when you realize you don't need it.

Most small items that people typically carry can be brought on board. Items such as a handbag, phone or small backpack.

If you're bringing bigger items you can leave those at our front-office of you can store them in a locker.

Sure! In front of our front office we've actually setup an entire area just for spectators. We've got picknick tables, wooden benches and even beach-chairs and lazy bags. Your friends and family will be right in front of where you enter the airplane and can see you taxi, take-off and touch-down.

Bookings / Reservations

You can book your Sightseeing flight or Special Sightseeing flight by telephone (+31 (0)222 311464) or by email ( We'll then want to know the following details:

  • Name
  • Telephonenumber
  • Number of participants
  • Desired date and time
  • Duration of the flight
  • Giftcard details if applicable
  • Voucher details if applicable

You'll receive a receipt at our front office when you check-in.

You can change the details of your reservation by telephone or by email. If the scheduled flight is to take place in less than 3 days it's best to reach us by telephone instead of by e-mail.

If, because of marginal weather conditions, you're not sure if your flight can take place it's best to simply call us for enquiries. 

If we're certain that there's very little chance you'll be able to fly we'll try to reach you ourselves. But if you'll be travelling a long way you might already have departed home. So when in doubt; give us a call.

Fortunately we're able to fly on most days. Weather-holds as they're called are quite uncommon for sightseeing flights.


Giftcards can be purchased online in our giftcardstore. Upon completing the transaction the giftcard will be automatically sent via e-mail.

You'll receive the giftcard via email. You can then optionally print the giftcard yourself to present to the lucky recipient.

No, you can't order a physical giftcard online. We used to offer this option but we found that it's not our strong suit logistically and that almost everyone is happy with a digitally sent (via email) giftcard.

Yes but only if not later than 14 days after purchase.

You can book a flight using a giftcard in exactly the same way as for a flight without a giftcard: by telephone: (+31(0)222 311 464) of by e-mail: (

We'll ask you for the following details:

  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Number of passengers
  • Day and time of flight
  • Flight duration
  • Giftcard number
  • Any other vouchers / discounts

Yes, that's not a problem at all. When making a booking you can provide us with the flight duration you wish to purchase. If you have a giftcard for a shorter flight we just deduct the value of the giftcard from the total amount due.

This actually happens quite often as the 45 and 60 minute flights are the most popular choices and a large portion of the giftcards sold are those of the 30 minute variety.

Giftcards are valid for exactly 36 months after purchase.

Fortunately this is not very common but it does happen from time to time. There can obviously be circumstances where you don't want to fly anymore or where you might not be allowed to fly anymore.

If you're still within the legally set 14 day 'cool-down period' you can request a refund. No questions asked.

If you're outside of this legal period we don't accept refunds. Then it's entirely up to you what you'd like to do with the giftcard. You can sell it to someone else or use it as a regift. Giftcards are not bound to a specific recipient and are fully transferable to someone else.


If you've purchased your giftcard directly with us, via our webshop or via our front desk: please contact us and we'll see if we can't help you out.

If you've purchased a voucher or giftcard via another company you'll have to contact the seller directly. We are unable to extend the validity of other companies vouchers / giftcards.